Saturday, October 20, 2007

The facts of life

My children now know the facts of life. Funny. Late last year, K asked me and I told her everything. I told her woman and a man's body fit together like perfect pieces in a jigsaw puzzle, and in this way, the man is able to plant a seed in the woman's body. She did not seem at all mystified by this, so I thought that was that. Today, we're walking up the stairs and she mentions reading a chapter in a science book that we apparently own - on how babies are made. She tells me she read it and now everything is clear. I said, what do you mean, it wasn't clear when I told you about it? She said, "Yeah, the jigsaw puzzle. But you didn't say what parts. I mean, I was thinking it might be the arm pits." I had to laugh.

Of course, that got C asking, so T told him straight out. "The daddy and the mommy get together and hug really tight, and the daddy's penis goes into the mommy's vagina and the seed gets planted." Non-plussed, C did not blink an eye. Then he piped up, "How does the baby get out, then?" I answer. "Most of the time, the babies come out through the mommy's vagina, but sometimes, the doctor can cut open her stomach and the baby gets out that way."

And that's when they said, "Eeeeeeew." Go figure.

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on with family business


Isang Sandali

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Here's to being the best we can be!

Apparently, this is me. Now which card are you?

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.