1. THE PRACTICE. Yoga at Pure Yoga. I'm frequently the heaviest woman in practically every class I attend. Then again, this is Singapore. But no judgement. The teachers are exactly as zen and inspiring as they should be, not too much as to be annoying, and not so little as to be ineffectual. Hot makes my insteps ache. Hatha feels tremendously satisfying. Power is like lifting weights - in this case, my own. When I'm doing standing poses and I can't find my balance, I will fall out and involountarily, an apology will issue from my lips. Why, I don't know. "Don't apologise," two teachers have already told me. No judgement, they keep saying. And keep practicing. It will get better. For where the eyes lead, the body will follow, they say. T says my body feels different. It feels like flesh is redistributing. But I'm not losing weight. Maybe it's those breakfasts with Maya at Toast.
2. YOU TOO! Come and join us. Five couples off to Sydney to see Bono jam up a storm at the end of March. Lots of jostling to get tickets, but finally, things have settled into place. It feels. Monumental.
3. FIRST GRADE. Coby going through adjustment. No, it's more accurate to say that the teachers of ACS Primary 1B are adjusting. At the end of the day, they don't know what to make of him. This little boy who comes in to class late from recess, saying, "Sorry, I'm late." and then the following day, does exactly the same thing. He also likes to skip out of TAF Program, often giving his "buddy"..."the slip". It's not just that he came from Montessori. It's not just that he's not Singaporean. It's mainly that he's Coby. There will be many PT conferences this year, boy.
4. AFTERMATH. Kaylee seems to have inherited both my temper and my poor quantitative skills. It adds up to frustration during homework time. What to do. What to do. She dislikes being taught and yet she does not know. T is much better at the teaching. But then again, he is also much better at the math.
5. WORKING OUT. Have found the best attitude toward work. Calm detachment combined with no-nonsense get-it-done verve. And leave it at the office. At the end of the day, you have to remember your priorities.
6. CASHING IN. Who would have thought it could happen. Then again, it may not. So let's just keep mum about it until it does...and visualise. Because boy, it could be a great, great thing.
7. STRUMMING ALONG. T gave us guitar lessons for our anniversary so that we could "learn something new" together. But the strings hurt man. And I'm always tempted to say, "Can't I just sing it?" The teacher who is a tad on the smug side does not help. It may also be that I have not commited. To me it's still, no strings attached.
8. UNMATCHED. Seeing Matchpoint has made me realise, yet again, Woody Allen is an unmitigated genius. It's the next thing I'm buying on Amazon.
9. COMING AND GOING. Oh no...the time that the Solivens are leaving is drawing very very near. Lots of things will change. Realising I can easily live in my own little world.
10. WRITE ON. If not now, when? Notes to Nowhere has to morph from journal-ese into what it was meant to be. Now more than ever. It's got to be about story. Remember all of them...and let them flow.