Saturday, May 19, 2007

Italian tuna

M called for a picnic tomorrow at Botanic Gardens. Am bringing the ubiquitous cheese sticks...but also lots of triangle sandwiches. For some reason, I've come to see picnic sandwiches as triangle sandwiches, not square. And I'm thinking not about the usual tuna and mayo, but something that I learned about in New York in the early nineties: Italian tuna.

Back then, I was what they call an executive floater - an adminstrative assistant working on the very top floor of 1 Dag Hammerskjold Plaza, I occupied a little corner room the size of a small closet in the office of the President, where I was the second in command, working for a genial man named Spencer P-, whose main secretary, a lovely woman named Judy H- is still the best boss I've ever had in all my 17 jobs - mostly because she was always sending me home. "Go home, there's nothing to do. Enjoy the day". "Go home. It's not rocket science. Do it tomorrow." The words were music to my ears.

My job consisted of doing any typing and correspondence Judy gave me to do. I was also in charge of keeping Mrs. P informed of her husband's daily and weekly itinerary. And then I was in charge of running down to Market Street, the wonderful deli across the street to pick up lunch. I have vivid memories of Mr. P concocting his lunchtime sandwich on the fly, seemingly random and off the top of his head...

"I'll have tuna...with... hmmm....sun-dried tomatoes...maybe a slice of provolone cheese. Oh and onions and some romaine... on a white, Italian roll," he would say. By the time he got to the end, my mouth would be watering. I'd say, "That sounds delicious." He'd say, "Get yourself one , too, Noelle." And then later in the afternoon, I'd receive word to put the whole thing on his expense account. Naks...

When I moved to SMP, I worked for a man named Ed S- and we worked in the Flatiron building. I would also get him his lunch. He was much less imaginative. He always got tuna. And I would get sick of it for him. So one day, I gave him Mr. P's tuna - which I noticed was already premixed in the deli nearby. Italian tuna, it said. Complete with the bits of sun-dried tomatoes although sadly, no provolone.

"My tuna was different today. What was that?" Ed S- asked me.
"Italian tuna." I told him, half-afraid he would scold me for doing the switch.
"Great. Loved it."

So tomorrow, we're going to have Italian tuna... after all, what's not to love?

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