Saturday, January 13, 2007

Would Higgins marry Dolittle?

T and I took K to see her first broadway musical in a theatre - a West End tour production of My Fair Lady at the Esplanade. Funny. My first ever broadway show was, I believe, a Repertory Philippines production of Oliver at CCP. I believe I was eleven. Anyway, it was a rather lacklustre Eliza Dolittle, sadly - her vocal transitions from chest to headtones were all too apparent, as though there were two people, two distinctly different voices singing. Higgins was much better, but overall, it's hard to outdo Hepburn/Matlin and Rex Harrison. The big surprise was an argument with T about how Higgins doesn't really love Dolittle in a romantic way. That it isn't love, not really. And I was just flabbergasted.

"Of course it's a love story," I insisted.
T was equally adamant. "Higgins just wants her around for company, but very likely, he's..." and so K won't hear, he whispers, "gay".
"What?!?! No way."
"What," T continued, "You think that Higgins will eventually seduce Dolittle, and they'll eventually get married?" He laughs.

But I'd always thought that I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face was a love song. "Her smiles, her frowns, her ups, her downs are second nature to me, now. Like breathing out and breathing in. .. Of course, it's a love story. How can it not be?

We turn to K. "What do you think..." Always the little pleaser, she answers, "I think you're both right."

1 comment:

Kiko said...

So that's why Pickering is always with Higgins... Interesting...

Kids on break

Kids on break
So what are you going to do about it?

Reminder: Buy fruit

Reminder: Buy fruit

Likewise, Quintosians rule

Likewise, Quintosians rule
on with family business


Isang Sandali

Sisterhood rules

Sisterhood rules
Here's to being the best we can be!

Apparently, this is me. Now which card are you?

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

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